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LibGuides 2.0 Toolkit (IKBFU): Using Images

Provided courtesy of Lauren McKeen, the Northwestern University Library

Key Terms

Personal Image Library: All images uploaded to LibGuides will be automatically saved in your personal image library for reuse.  

Shared Image Library: Images uploaded to the shared image library will be available to all LibGuides account holders within your platform. This is good place for images that are used on multiple guides across disciplines.

Adding Images

STEP 1: Locate the box you would like to add an image to. Click and select Rich Text/HTML


STEP 2: From the Rich Text window, select the  to insert an image.  You now have two ways of inserting an image:

OPTION 1: copy and paste the image's URL (such as from a Google image search) 

OPTION 2: browse your server to locate an image you have saved. This will bring you to the LibGuides Image Library where you will need to upload the image to your image library. Once the image is uploaded, click the  to insert the image in your guide.

STEP 3: If you would like your image to take the user to a specific webpage, select the tab that says "link" and copy and paste the desired URL into the box.


STEP 4: Resize your image as necessary.



Recommended Image Sizes

Profile Images: 150px wide x 200px high

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