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LibGuides 2.0 Toolkit (IKBFU): LibGuides Account

Provided courtesy of Lauren McKeen, the Northwestern University Library

Your Librarian

Setting Up Your Profile

STEP 1: From LibApps, click My Profile to edit your profile information


STEP 2: Under Contacts and Social, click General. Then edit your email address and other contact information by clicking on the text you want to update. Ideally your profile will contain phone number, and email:



STEP 3: To add a photo to your guide, check the circle that says “select a new image” and then browse for the photo you want. The size should be between 150 pixels wide by 200 pixels high. Instructions on resizing images in Photoshop are located on the Images tab of this


Need an account?

Contact  <STAFF NAME HERE>  to request an account.


Changing Your Password

After an account in created, you'll need to login and change your password.

1. In the bottom right of the page click 

2. From LibApps, click on your email address that is shown in the upper right corner.

3. Update your password, name, title, and email signature.     


The DIREKT Project Online Information Literacy (IL) Module Platform